We hope you’ve all enjoyed these first few weeks of school. We’re thrilled to let you all know that we have an active HTH Foundation Board that will support our schools, sports and enrichment programs this school year, while also building a structure to secure philanthropic support long-term. Here’s more information about the board:
Meet the board members
Check out the HTH website to learn more about each board member (scroll down the page).
Board’s mission
Our mission is to fully support the Parent Associations and local school initiatives while also developing a larger philanthropic effort to fund broader projects throughout the HTH system of 16 schools.
Priorities for the 2022-2023 school year
Engage and support our community to ensure our schools have what they need
This could include: supporting PAs by hosting PA summits, sharing PA toolkits, leading initiatives to better support local school needs, etc.
Raise funds for the future of High Tech High
This could include: securing grants & donations, leading alumni initiatives & events, etc.
Grow the board and increase awareness through communication
This could include: sharing regular newsletters, inviting parents & school faculty to open meetings, etc.
Coming Soon
Newsletters: Moving forward, you can expect to receive a regular newsletter from us with information on our work and how you can engage with us to support all of our High Tech High schools.
PA Summit (virtual): Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 27th at 6:00pm
Attend our October PA Summit and learn the many ways you can support your PA and the HTH Foundation. All HTH parents are considered PA members at their school. There are many opportunities to support your child's school that fit the busy life of a parent- join us to learn how you can give back to your school community!
Join us on Zoom on Thursday 10/27 at 6pm:
Meeting ID: 868 7217 7496
Passcode: 314377
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