IFF Campaign is on! Donate Today!
Click here to DONATE NOW
Thank you so much for supporting HTH International!
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We also very warmly welcome support for HTH International in a wide variety of ways. We can't do any of this enriching work without the valuable volunteers who help out with the HTHI PA. Volunteering in support of your student's school also makes such an important difference and there are so many ways to get involved, from one-time events, to time limited planning, to ongoing roles. The richness of this school community rests in the richness of the families that make up our village! Please email HTHI-PA Communications at hthipa@gmail.com to find out more. We are so grateful for the opportunity to volunteer together in support of our fabulous school!
Thank you so much for supporting HTH International!! Your participation is greatly appreciated!
PA 2022-2023 School Year
Hello HTHI Families,
Welcome to The Parent Association (PA)! All Parents And Guardians are automatically members of the PA, and our goal is to make these high school years special and memorable for our children by supporting fundraising and event planning. Join us on this fun adventure! We need you! Take this 30 second survey to tell us how you you’d like to become involved:
Please consider helping in one of the following ways:
Become a Board member (open positions listed below)
Help coordinate and support one or more of our events
Chair the International’s Future Fund
Board Membership
HTHI Parent Association - Slate of Nominees for 2022-2023 (PROPOSED)
Board member vote will happen on Sept. 16 at PA meeting
President: Audrey Gans
VP Fundraising: OPEN
Co-VP School Support: Shena Samuel and Michelle Redfield ?
Co-VP Communications: Simonne Russ
Treasurer: Alison Windsor
Secretary/Parliamentarian: OPEN
Being a Board member is a great and easy way to support our school. We meet once a month and chat via email in between meetings. If you’ve got great ideas about fundraising, become our VP of Fundraising. Good with money? We’d love you as our treasurer. Organized and detail-oriented? You’d make a great secretary/parliamentarian.
School Events:
Haunted House (October)
Book Fair (November)
Teacher Holiday Cookies (December)
Exhibition Nights (December and May)
Yearbook Sales (January-April)
Spring Dance (April)
Junior/Senior Committee (Internship, Senior days, Prom, Graduation)
Teacher Appreciation week (May)
Many of the event committees include ASB students – so you’ll get to know your child’s classmates and have fun working together!
Our goal is to raise $30,000 each school year through our IFF (International’s Future Fund) Campaign. This annual campaign supports our teacher grants program, college trips, and the social events we host for the students and teachers throughout the year. Usually we run this campaign in the fall and in the spring. As Chair, you’ll get to help decide how we run the campaign and witness firsthand the generosity of our community.
Please let me know how you’d like to become involved! We are excited to welcome you to our community!
Warm regards,
Audrey Gans
HTHI PA President