Thank you to all the parents, guardians, teachers, students and family who cleaned and beautified our school.
Also thank you to those individuals who donated items.It was an awesome day! A big thank you to Scott Harris for organizing Spruce Up.
Join us for Java with Jade on Friday, Feb. 1st at 8:30 am
Next PA meeting is Feb. 20th 8:30 am in the main commons
ASB is selling Valentine's Grams during lunch and after school.
Next PA meeting is Feb. 20th 8:30 am in the main commons
ASB is selling Valentine's Grams during lunch and after school.
ASB is also selling tickets to the Winter Formal on 2/16/19.
The event will be at the Omnia Nightclub (454 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101)
5:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
The event will be at the Omnia Nightclub (454 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101)
5:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
Tickets are $30 through 2/1, $40 from 2/4-2/8 and $45 from 2/11-2/14.
People who qualify for free/reduced lunch can purchase tickets for $35 through 2/14. Yellow
Spring Tryouts are around the corner
- Boys Tennis: Feb. 2 from 10am-12 pm at the Barnes Tennis Center
- Boys/Girls Swimming: Feb. 4th at 5:30 pm at the Memorial Pool
- Baseball: Feb. 4, 6 and 8 at the East Clairemont Athletic Field
- Boys/Girls Track & Field: Week of Feb. 5th 4pm at HTH Field
- Boys Volleyball: Feb. 9 from 9-11 am and Feb. 11-13 from 5-7pm at HTH Gym
- Boys Golf: Feb. 13 at 4pm in the HTHI commons
- Softball: Feb. 16 and again on Feb. 19 at 4pm at Robb Field
For more information, check out the HTH Athletics webpage Spring tab.