Back To School 2014-2015!
Important dates coming up:
Oct. 28-30 Student Led Conferences
October 30 Half Day
November 11 No School
November 20 PA Meeting 8:45am
October 30 Half Day
November 11 No School
November 20 PA Meeting 8:45am
HTHI-PA Board meetings are typically held on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 8:30-10:00a.m. at HTHI. Our usual meeting place is the senior conference room, upstairs at the front of the building.
As always stay informed by using the HTHI PA Website.
This website provides quick access to our fundraising programs, key contact information and events. Be sure to go to the Fundraising page to learn about the easy ways you can earn important funds for our school.
We are looking forward to another year of collaboration with all of our parents in support of our students and our school.
HTHI-PA Executive